
It used to be that cybersecurity for businesses meant creating a technical barrier around their network and data and they were good to go. 可悲的是,这已经不够了.

澳门赌场网址大全 risks for business have evolved and so has the technology that your employees work with every day. Your organization is probably using more cloud apps and have your people working from more locations than ever before and cybercriminals would love to exploit the vulnerabilities that you don’t know are there.

The bottom line is that yesterday’s cybersecurity strategy isn’t going to address today’s challenges with IT security for businesses. The layers of security that you need for a modern approach to security include some tactics that you may not have had before.


The following list of cybersecurity tactics should be considered a starting point for effectively managing cyber risks. Use the list to ask your IT team questions that may uncover gaps in how you’re defending your cyber territory.

  1. 多因素认证(MFA)
  2. 最新资讯科技系统
  3. 澳门赌场网址大全意识培训
  4. 员工模拟钓鱼培训
  5. 全面电子邮件保安
  6. 端点检测和响应(EDR)
  7. 网关安全
  8. 种族隔离的备份
  9. 补丁管理
  10. 网络保险
  11. 安全远程访问
  12. 安全策略

1. 多因素认证(MFA)

MFA is all about identity management and it has become the single most effective tool that you can use to prevent a cyber-attack. MFA verifies that the user who’s trying to get into a network or account is really who they say they are.

与良好的密码管理一起使用, MFA利用了只有真实用户才能访问的东西——比如智能手机, 一个身份证或指纹-获得访问在线账户或电脑的权限.

2. 最新资讯科技系统

澳门赌场网址大全 (and IT management) best practices include keeping the hardware and software in your IT systems up to date. 永远不要运行已经停止支持的软件——比如Windows 7——因为它无法打补丁.

Newer software runs best on modern equipment and certain security controls can’t be implemented on older software and slower computers. You’ll find that newer software has plenty of built-in security capabilities and you’ll get the most out of apps like MFA and EDR on up-to-date systems

3. 澳门赌场网址大全意识培训

Your employees should have ongoing training to help them recognize and respond to cyber-attack attempts. 教人们如何评估url, email addresses and common cybercriminal tactics will help them to become less susceptible to social engineering, 对安全问题也更精明.

许多攻击都是通过被黑客入侵的有效电子邮件帐户进行的. 当这种情况发生时, an intruder could jump into an email stream and add a malicious link or attachment and spam filters wouldn’t catch it.

澳门赌场网址大全 awareness training teaches people what to look for and provides practice to spot business email compromises.

4. 员工模拟钓鱼培训

Along with cybersecurity awareness training comes practice at recognizing fraudulent messages that ask recipients to click a link, 下载一个附件或者做一些他们不会做的事情——比如转账. The user’s response to simulated phishing identifies those people who are more at risk for falling for a scam, 然后自动进行更多的练习来培养更好的判断力.

5. 全面电子邮件保安

It’s much better to keep phishing emails from hitting your employees’ inboxes in the first place so having an advanced email spam filter is essential. 过滤器可以配置为以不同的方式处理可疑邮件, 你还可以为软件处理可疑信息的方式设置参数.

Spam filters also flag emails that are coming from outside of your organization so that if a message says “from your CEO” but it’s not really from your CEO, 他们会觉得这是个骗局.

如前所述, 当网络罪犯可以控制一个有效的账户, 他们的行动很难被发现, 因此,您需要包含不同层分析和检测的电子邮件安全.

6. 端点检测和响应(EDR)

端点是连接到网络的任何东西, 可以是笔记本电脑, 平板电脑, 智能手机或物联网设备. 端点是通往您的网络和数据的潜在大门,因此您必须锁定它们.

Endpoint security tools use Artificial Intelligence to actively look for and stop intrusions and hidden threats within the traffic coming and going from each device. 该软件还可以收集数据来调查入侵,从而弥补安全漏洞.

7. 网关安全

网关监控进出网络的互联网流量. A secure gateway prevents unauthorized removal of data and intercepts malicious files from entering. Gateways also scan data sent to your cloud applications and prevent employees from accessing compromised websites that can unload malware or impersonate web pages where people may unknowingly give away their login and password information.

8. 种族隔离的备份

如果网络攻击接管了你的网络,而你的备份就在那里, 这是个大问题. 备份只有在您可以获得恢复系统所需的文件时才有用. 最佳实践是将备份与本地网络分开, 并且拥有在备份设备上其他任何地方都没有使用过的唯一登录凭据.

9. 补丁管理

Cybercriminals actively look for backdoors in software that can give them entry to the computer that’s running the software. 而坏人正在寻找这些漏洞, 软件开发人员也是如此,当他们发现漏洞时,他们会发布补丁来关闭漏洞. 在许多情况下,补丁可以自动应用, 但是一些监督是必要的,以确保一切都是最新的,并正常运行

10. 网络保险

No one can 100% guarantee that you’ll never have a cyber-attack so cyber insurance has become a must-have component of your cybersecurity strategy to cover costs incurred to stop the attack, 收拾残局, 让行动恢复正常.

You’ll get the best rates on cyber insurance if you can show that you’re making an acceptable effort to manage cyber risks. 过去被认为是正常的安全姿势现在被认为是软弱的, 而且你可能根本就买不到网络保险.

11. 安全远程访问

与大流行前相比,在家工作的人很有可能更多. 远程访问的安全性可以通过不同的过程来实现, 这取决于员工如何访问你的网络和信息. 如果他们使用的是远程桌面,确保他们通过VPN连接. 其他保护远程访问的技术包括SSL等安全网关. 无论您正在做什么来确保远程访问,都需要MFA来访问帐户.

12. 安全策略

The nontechnical part of cybersecurity is about how employees access information and use company equipment. 在您的安全策略中阐明您对这些行为的所有期望. Your policies will be most effective when employees know what to do and understand the consequences for not following your policies. 行为的训练和强化是必不可少的,忽视它们的后果也是如此.


This list of IT security measures for businesses isn’t an a la carte menu that you can pick and choose from. It’s a starting point and the foundation for additional security layers that you might need depending on your business and industry.

建立一个有效的澳门赌场网址大全策略需要每一个层面. Use this list to start a conversation with your IT team to see if they have all your security bases covered. 如果你听到的不能给你信心, 或者你只是想要一个客观的视角, 澳门网赌大全网址进行澳门赌场网址大全咨询.

在Bellwether,我们投资了建立坚实的网络防御所需的专业知识和工具. We operate our own Security Operations Center (SOC) that is third-party verified for effective practices and processes.

澳门网赌大全网址进行澳门赌场网址大全评估 and find out if your organization is missing basic layers that make up small business cybersecurity. 你可能会面临比你想要或需要的更多的风险.